Registration gives you access to:

    • all conference sessions, lunch and refreshments during conference sessions
    • the Conference Opening and Welcome Reception, Sunday 20 October at 6pm, Dark Sky Project, 1 Motuariki Lane, Lake Tekapo. Speeches follow the formal welcoming protocol. Refreshments and light finger food is served.
    • Visit the University of Canterbury’s Mt John Observatory near Lake Tekapo on Sunday 20 October 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Vehicles will take you to Mt John from the Dark Sky Project, 1 Motuariki Lane departing at 2 pm and 3 pm. The drive to Mt John takes about 20 minutes from the village. A guided tour of observatory facilities will be undertaken. The University has four telescopes at Mt John (apertures 1.8 m, 1.0 m and two of 0.6 m). Places  are limited so please indicate your attendance when registering.
    • The Conference Dinner, 7 pm, Tuesday 22 October at Peppers Bluewater Resort. The cost is $110pp. Seats are limited and are allocated on a first comefirst served basis.


    Currency is NZ dollars (NZD). Approximate exchange rates are NZD/USD = 0.62; NZD/EUR = 0.57
Tekapo 2024 Registration - AffiliatedIMPORTANT: PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING IN THE CORRECT CATEGORY – see our FAQs … Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $350.00. GST


Go to Submit Your Presentation to provide details of the talk or poster you wish to present. Submissions close on 30 September. If the programme is full before then, this deadline may be brought forward. Early submission is recommended.

Please indicate your attendance:

Tekapo 2024 Registration - UnaffiliatedIMPORTANT: PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING IN THE CORRECT CATEGORY – see our FAQs … Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $295.00. GST


Go to Submit Your Presentation to provide details of the talk or poster you wish to present. Submissions close on 30 September. If the programme is full before then, this deadline may be brought forward. Early submission is recommended.

Please indicate your attendance:

Conference Dinner7 pm, Tuesday 22 October at Peppers Bluewater Resort. The cost is $110pp. Please book …$110.00 GST
Accompanying GuestAccompanying guest registrations are available only for people who are accompanying someone who has registered …$0.00 GST

Free to attend, but please confirm attendance