Dr Annika Jägerbrand (SE)

Dr Annika Jägerbrand (SE)
(University of Gävle)
Annika received her PhD in ecology from Göteborg University in 2005 and currently serves as an associate professor in biology at the University of Gävle in Sweden.
For almost fifteen years, Annika has led research projects on road lighting, demonstrating her expertise as a highly experienced multidisciplinary researcher. She has authored over hundred scientific publications and dozens of popular papers.
Annika’s research interests span a wide range of topics, including the ecological impact of LED lighting, strategies to mitigate negative ecological effects of light pollution, lighting design, sustainability, energy efficiency, and traffic safety. She is an experienced lecturer in ecology, environmental science, and lighting science.
Beyond academia, Annika has served as a consultant for several years, specializing in environmental issues, such as the impact of anthropogenic lighting on protected species and habitats.
Furthermore, Annika plays an important role in shaping international standards and guidelines related to lighting and its environmental impacts. She currently chairs the CIE Technical committee 4-61 “Artificial Lighting and its Impact on the Natural Environment” and is a member of several other CIE Technical Committees. She actively participates in various Working Groups within CEN, the European Committee for Standardization.
Moreover, Annika has served as an expert for various international organizations and initiatives. She provided scientific expertise for the Policy Brief “Light Pollution: Mitigation measures for environmental protection. Future Brief 28,” which plays a crucial role in informing EU policy regarding environmental protection measures against light pollution.