Conference Registration Has Now Closed
Registration gives you access to:
- all conference sessions, lunch and refreshments during conference sessions
- the Conference Opening and Welcome Reception, Sunday 20 October at 6pm, Dark Sky Project, 1 Motuariki Lane, Lake Tekapo. Speeches follow the formal welcoming protocol. Refreshments and light finger food is served.
- Visit the University of Canterbury’s Mt John Observatory near Lake Tekapo on Sunday 20 October 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Vehicles will take you to Mt John from the Dark Sky Project, 1 Motuariki Lane departing at 2 pm and 3 pm.
The drive to Mt John takes about 20 minutes from the village.
A guided tour of observatory facilities will be undertaken. The University has four telescopes at Mt John (apertures 1.8 m, 1.0 m and two of 0.6 m).
Places are limited so please indicate your attendance when registering. - The Conference Dinner, 7 pm, Tuesday 22 October at Peppers Bluewater Resort. Seats are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Registrations Have Now Closed
Name | Description | Price | Buy |
Tekapo 2024 Registration - Affiliated | IMPORTANT: PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING IN THE CORRECT CATEGORY – see our FAQs for more information. | $450.00 GST | |
Tekapo 2024 Registration - Unaffiliated | IMPORTANT: PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU ARE REGISTERING IN THE CORRECT CATEGORY – see our FAQs for more information. | $395.00 GST | |
Conference Dinner | 7 pm, Tuesday 22 October at Peppers Bluewater Resort. The cost is $110pp. Please book your seat(s) for yourself and any accompanying guests – numbers are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis. | $110.00 GST | |
Accompanying Guest | Accompanying guest registrations are available only for people who are accompanying someone who has registered for the conference. Please register your guest with this registration. If you wish to add a guest later, please contact us and we will update your registration. Optional conference activities are available for your guests to attend (the Welcome Reception $30pp and the Mt John Observatory visit (free to attend). However, numbers are limited so please do book early. | $0.00 GST |
Registration FAQs
Cancellations & Refunds
The unaffiliated fee is for retired participants, or for anyone who does not receive a regular wage or salary. All other participants pay the affiliated fee.
No, the conference registration fee includes entry to the opening ceremony and the three full days of the conference.
Accompanying guests may attend the opening ceremony (20 Oct) but not the conference sessions (21-23 Oct). Tickets for the opening ceremony are available with registration, costing NZD30 for accompanying guests. The event includes as Maori welcome (mihi whakatau), a kapa haka performance, VIP speeches and drinks and finger food. The opening ceremony is held at the Dark Sky Project, 1 Motuariki Lane, Tekapo.
This is an optional event for the evening of Tuesday 22 October. It will be a three- course meal in Peppers Bluewater Resort, Lake Tekapo, which is 500 m from the Tekapo Community Hall. Places are strictly limited with only a few remaining tickets. The after-dinner speaker is Prof Marie Connolly, who has just published her first murder mystery set at Mt John Observatory entitled Dark Sky.
Yes, but you must indicate your needs or those of accompanying guests when registering.
No, these visits are free but, as space is limited, we ask participants or their accompanying guests to register for the observatory tour so we know numbers in advance. The tours take place from 2 pm to 4:30 pm on Sun 20 Oct, leaving from the Dark Sky Project, 1 Motuariki Lane, Tekapo
Submissions for presenting a talk or poster have now closed.
Yes, if you have already submitted your application to present a poster, please email a pdf file to [email protected] by 11 October. The cost is A0 NZD30, A1 NZD25. Laminating posters, if required, costs $20 for A0 and $12 for A1.
The University of Canterbury provides 3 shuttle vehicles for the road trip from Christchurch to Tekapo. Seats must be booked in advance and are preferentially for keynote invited speakers and overseas participants. Departures from Christchurch will be 9 am, 11 am and 1 pm on 20 October and for the return to Christchurch at 5:30 pm on 23 October (on conclusion of the conference) and at 9 am and 12:30 pm on Thu 24 Oct. The road trip takes 3 hours or more if you stop for a break on the way. Email [email protected] if you wish to reserve a seat.
Please check the accommodation page on this site for a wide list of options. Tekapo has several motels and many privately owned, furnished holiday homes. Those on the west side of the village are closer to the conference venue (Tekapo Community Hall, 6 Aorangi Crescent), but all are within walking distance to both the Dark Sky Project and the Tekapo Community Hall. Several places offering accommodation are already full for late October and prices are high. If you have your own transport, you may find lower accommodation prices in Fairlie (35 min drive) and Twizel (45 min drive).
Yes, there will be a book display with a number of recent tiles being offered for sale. Payments can be made by cash, eftpos or credit card during the morning and afternoon tea breaks or the lunch break during the conference 21-23 Oct.
Please read our cancellation policy carefully and note the applicable dates.
Tekapo Accommodation
Lake Tekapo village is a major tourist destination for the South Island of New Zealand, and accommodation is often booked a year in advance. Therefore all intending participants are urged to book and pay for their accommodation as early as possible.

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(Affiliated to an institution and/or receive a regular wage or salary)
Accompanying Guests
For accompanying guests who wish to attend the Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception (+$30) and/or the Conference Dinner (+$110) and/or the Mt John Observatory Visit (free), please comfirm here: