Submit Your Presentation

Application to present a talk or a poster at the NZ Starlight Conference

If you wish to present a talk or a poster at the New Zealand Starlight Conference, you must first have registered to be a participant at the conference and have paid the registration fee (unless you have been offered a fee waiver).

Accompanying guests are not eligible to present a paper or poster.

The following categories of presentation are foreseen:

  • Invited talks, 20 or 30 minutes. By invitation only.
  • Contributed talks, 15 or 20 minutes. Some talks of 5 or 10 minutes will also be accepted, notably from accredited or aspiring dark sky places in NZ.
  • Posters, either A0 portrait format (W 841 mm; H 1189 mm) or A1 landscape format (W 841 mm; H 594 mm).
  • For talks, PowerPoint files with slides in the 16:9 landscape ratio are recommended. Bring files on a memory stick for loading onto the conference laptop in advance. 


The deadline for submission of talks and posters has been extended by a month to 31 August. Please submit titles and abstracts on-line using this form by that date.

Please submit your details below:

Principal Author/Presenter
Your Submission
Please bring your printed poster with you to the conference, or email it to John Hearnshaw by 1 October for printing (there will be a printing charge for this)

Please contact John Hearnshaw, chair of Starlight Conference Organizing Committee, if you have any queries regarding your submission.